Q: How can I make sure I'm receiving any property tax relief I might be eligible for?
A: Buncombe County, in compliance with North Carolina General Statutes, offers property tax relief for some of our residents based on age, disability, and/or military service requirements.
For elderly and disabled exclusions:
- You need to be a permanent North Carolina resident.
- Own and live in your home.
- Be 65 or older, or totally and permanently disabled as of Jan. 1, 2019. Your income may not exceed $30,200 per year.
Qualified applicants are eligible for a reduction in their property value of either: $25,000 or 50 percent of the appraised value of their permanent residence, whichever is greater. For more information on eligibility requirements and an application click here or contact the Tax Department’s Exemption Assistance at (828) 250-4915 or exemptions@buncombecounty.org.
For disabled veteran exclusions:
- You must be a veteran who has a total and permanent disability connected to your military service.
- Widows of veterans who have never remarried may also apply for this exclusion.
- There are no age or income restrictions.
- You will need to fill out an NCDVA-9 form, found here. Contact the North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs at (828) 250-5726 if you need assistance completing the form.
Qualified applicants are allowed to exclude up to $45,000 of the appraised value of their permanent residence. For more information on eligibility requirements and for an application click here, call 250-4915, or email exemptions@buncombecounty.org.
Circuit Breaker Deferred Program:
- For taxpayers who are 65 or older.
- Income does not exceed $45,300.
- Have owned and lived in your home for at least five years.
If you meet the above requirements you might be eligible for a reduction or deferral on your taxes. Deferrals are based on income levels:
- If your total, yearly income is $30,200 or less, the total amount of tax due is no more than 4 percent of your yearly income.
- If your total income is between $30,200-$45,300, the total amount of tax due is no more than 5 percent of your yearly income.
- This is a deferred tax program, not an exemption. The taxes over the limitation amount are deferred and remain a lien on the property. The last three years of deferred taxes prior to a disqualifying event will become due and payable, with interest, on the date of the disqualifying event. Interest accrues on the deferred taxes as if they had been payable on the dates on which they would have originally become due.
For more information on eligibility requirements on the Circuit Breaker Deferred Program click here or call 250-4910.
If you don’t qualify for any of the County’s exclusion plans, our Preauthorized Debit Program might be a good alternative. This allows you to setup a specified amount that will be deducted from your bank account every month, enabling you to pay your yearly tax bill in smaller, monthly installments. All payments would need to equal your yearly total by Jan. 5 of each year. If you would like to enroll or learn more about the Preauthorized Debit Program contact the Tax Collection Department at (828) 250-4910.