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"The Living Soil" Poster, Essay & Slide Show Contest for Students

The Living SoilPoster Contest for 3rd - 5th Graders:

The Buncombe Soil & Water Conservation District is sponsoring a Conservation Poster contest with the theme “The Living Soil”.

This encompasses a wide range of topics that the students can incorporate in their competition entries, such as soil, conservation, natural resources, and many more…

Any Buncombe County student (public, private, or home school) in 3rd- 5th grade is eligible to enter! The contest runs from now until December 5. All entries must be turned into BCSWCD by 4 p.m. on December 5.

There will be a first, second, and third place award given in each grade level, 3rd - 5th.

Essay Contest for 6th Graders:

The theme for the essay contest is "The Living Soil". Essays should contain 300 - 500 words, have the title on the front, student information on the back, and be on regular-sized paper.

The first place essay will be entered in the area contest - the first place winner of the area will be judged at the state  level and be eligible to win $200.

Slide Show Contest for 6th Graders:

Up to fifteen PowerPoint slides allowed (less accepted), followed by a blank slide, then student information. Animations and audio are allowed; video is strictly prohibited. Do not save as PPTX file.

Prizes for all contests:

  • 1st place - $50 prize
  • 2nd place - $25 prize
  • 3rd place - $10 prize

(The teacher of the winning student gets a $50 Gift Card to spend on his/her class.)

If you have questions about any of the contests listed above or comments, please contact Renee Ray at Buncombe County Soil and Water Conservation District at or 250-4785.

Table: News Item Documents
File NameSizeTypeDate & Time Added
Poster Contest complete details 266 KB 09/04/2013 12:45 PM
Essay Contest complete details 408 KB 09/04/2013 12:52 PM
Computer Designed Slide Show Contest complete details 279 KB 09/04/2013 2:26 PM
Contest Flyer 473 KB 09/04/2013 2:28 PM

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Article Information

Updated Nov 19, 2013 09:48 AM
Published Sep 04, 2013 12:06 PM