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Buncombe County Ag & Land Resources Seeks College Intern

From Buncombe County Ag & Land Resources:

The Max Internship seeks to engage young people from communities historically underrepresented in conservation--particularly of Asian, Black, Latinx, multiracial, and Native American descent--in conservation work.

Interns apply to work for PAID, 10-week full-time summer internships that provide hands-on opportunities to gain the skills and experiences necessary for a successful career. Through this program, CTNC and its partners introduce young adults of color to careers in conservation and connect conservation organizations to potential employees, while building each organization’s racial equity and inclusion capacity.

The Ag & Land Resources intern will be responsible for assisting with the Farmland Preservation Program to increase the number of farms participating in the Farm Heritage Trail and to assist with the development and execution of conservation easements and Voluntary Agricultural Districts (VAD). 

Internships are full time, 10-week terms that run from May – August 2021.

Stipend for the 2021 internship is $5,000.

For more information and application please see:

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Updated Mar 15, 2021 09:32 AM
Published Jan 22, 2021 01:42 PM