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Smart Justice -- The Arrest Process

Smart Justice logoDuring April, Buncombe County is celebrating Smart Justice Initiatives. Throughout the month we'll highlight programs in our Criminal Justice System that exemplify “Smart Justice”.

Smart Justice Initiatives are programs and policies that create safer communities by addressing substance abuse and mental health needs of individuals involved in the Criminal Justice System. Research shows these programs to be more effective in reducing recidivism (repeated or habitual relapse), resulting in reduced criminal justice costs over time.

As part of this focus, BCTV created a video to help citizens better understand the arrest process. For people unfamiliar with the criminal justice system, this process can be very confusing.

In the months to come our BCTV channel and YouTube page will feature videos about Smart Justice Initiatives in Buncombe County.

For more information contact Kim Gordon Moretz, Buncombe County Criminal Justice, at 250-6294 or

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Updated May 28, 2013 10:38 AM
Published Apr 19, 2013 01:25 PM