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Health Fairs for Students

Each fall, school nurses from Buncombe County Health and Human Services along with school staff, provide health fairs for students (K – 5) while they are at school. Students are Photo of an apple with HEALTH written on it.screened for hearing, vision, dental, and height and weight (BMI) concerns with follow up provided by the Buncombe County Health and Human Services school nurses. 

Parents will receive screening results on the day of the health fair. If a child does not pass a vision or a hearing screening, they will be re-screened before being advised to see a doctor. If there is a concern with the student’s BMI (height and weight ratio), parents are advised to contact their child’s doctor. The student may also receive additional follow up from the school nurse. Kindergarten and second grade students found to have dental decay will receive a referral to the dentist.

The health fairs are a helpful way for students to receive screening for health issues. If a parent does not want their student to participate in the health fair, they need to notify the school. A written letter stating the request must be sent to the school prior to the date of the health fair.

Health Fair Dates & Locations

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Updated Oct 09, 2013 11:19 AM
Published Aug 05, 2013 08:00 AM