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Homeschool PE Class

The Homeschool Physical Education class runs until October 25, 2013. The one-hour class takes place at 11 a.m. each Friday. Most of the classes will be held at the Sports Park in Enka (50 Apac Drive); however, a few of the classes may Photo of homeschoolers enjoy a game of flag football.take place in other facilities. Please contact us for a weekly update.

Each week a new activity is offered. At the end of the session each participant will receive a PE Certificate showing hours attended. Activities include kickball, dodge ball, basketball, bocce ball, badminton, volley ball, bike safety, swimming, and soccer.

The cost is $2 a week per child or a one time payment of $16 per child for the 8 week session. It is possible to pay at the beginning of each session. The fee is used to help purchase new equipment and is non-refundable. Discounts are offered for families with more than one child - $2 for 1 child and $1 each additional child.

For more information, contact Lynn Pegg at 250-6707 or

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Updated Sep 30, 2013 04:55 PM
Published Sep 13, 2013 10:26 AM