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A Mammogram Could Save Your Life!


In 2013, an estimated 230,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women.  Every year over 39,000 women die of this deadly disease.  Do you or the women in your life get a mammogram?

In this episode of Buncombe Life, join Kathy Hughes as she speaks with representatives of the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program, the Mission Foundation, and Rhonda Wellmon, a breast cancer survivor, who will tell her story of the importance of getting a mammogram. 

Find out how you can get free yearly mammograms and not have to worry about any of the financial responsibilities if cancer is found.

Think You Can’t Afford a Mammogram?

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) wants to help women get the screening tests they need to detect breast and cervical cancers. The program helps save the lives of women through early detection by providing those who qualify with FREE examinations. The exam includes a pelvic exam, pap smear, clinical breast exam and a mammogram.

BCCCP also provides you with knowledge by giving individual education and counseling services to teach you how to improve your health!

Because we want every woman to be tested regularly, BCCCP provides these free services to women who are between the ages of 40-64, who have little or no insurance and meet financial requirements. We even provide referrals and follow-up when needed. Some women who are 18-39 years of age may also be eligible for these services.

Give us a call – we’re here to help! Call 250-6006.

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Updated Oct 31, 2013 11:55 AM
Published Oct 15, 2013 09:17 AM