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Time to Prepare for Winter Weather

Buncombe County has enjoyed some beautiful fall weather over the last few weeks so it may be hard to imagine that Photo of snowcovered tree and field in Buncombe County.winter weather will soon be here. Now is the time for us to begin preparing for snow, ice and strong winds. It’s important for us to prepare because winter weather can cause power outages that result in loss of heat, water and communications to our homes and businesses.

Preparing for winter storms is very similar to preparing for other emergencies like hurricanes or floods, with the addition of a few cold-weather supplies. Follow the three steps below now so that you and your family will be ready for whatever situation this winter brings.

  • Step1: Get a Kit
  • Step 2: Make a Plan
  • Step 3: Be informed

Click here to read more about how you can be prepared for winter weather.

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Updated Nov 19, 2013 08:13 AM
Published Oct 18, 2013 09:20 AM