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Crisis Intervention Officer of the Year

On December 17, the local chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) recognized Cpl Jennifer Fulmer for her work on the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT). Selected law enforcement officers receive CIT training to help intervene with persons with mental illness who are in a crisis – maintaining safety and getting people to treatment.

The citation was read by NAMI Board member Tracey Turner and presented at the Annual NAMI banquet:

“In March of this year, Cpl Jennifer Fulmer and Deputy Billy Anders responded to a call from the Mobile Crisis Unit about a man who was threatening homicide and suicide. He stated that if law enforcement came he would use his gun to shoot officers and himself.

At 1:17 a.m., Cpl Fulmer and Deputy Anders arrived. After explaining that they were there only to assure the Mobile Crisis Unit’s safety, he let them into the house.

He was extremely angry and belligerent. He threatened to shoot one officer and throw the other out the window before he would be taken in.

Mobile Crisis determined that Involuntary Commitment papers were necessary. While they were obtaining those papers, Fulmer engaged the man in conversation to contain the subject’s composure. He continued to have highs and lows and continued to threaten bodily harm to himself and others. He made reference to the fact that he had weapons hidden in the room and only he knew where they were so that he could get to them before the officers got to him. He also told them that he was a black belt and would break their bones before they could even scream for help.

The subject was known to the officers who knew that they he was speaking some truths about his martial arts capabilities.

Cpl Fulmer was able to keep the subject stable enough so that he kept talking and building a relationship with her. He spoke of upcoming court issues, his family issues and his state of mind.

After 3 hours of de-escalation by Cpl Fulmer, the man was transported safely to Mission Hospital without harm and able to get treatment. No one was hurt in that time.

This is the true work of CIT:  safety of all and an avenue to treatment.”

Cpl Fulmer gratefully accepted the award – in dedication to her partner Deputy Billy Anders.

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Article Information

Updated Jan 14, 2014 03:59 PM
Published Dec 23, 2013 03:37 AM