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Alert: Increased Vehicle Break-ins in Buncombe County

The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office wants to notify the public that there has been an increase in vehicle break-ins in Buncombe County, mainly the southern and eastern parts of the county. Perpetrators of these break-ins appear to be targeting vehicles that are unlocked. The Sheriff’s Office would like to remind everyone not to leave valuables in their cars and trucks, and to lock the doors to their vehicles.

"Criminals that engage in these types of crimes are looking for soft targets," Sheriff Van Duncan stated. "Locking your car doors and removing valuables from your vehicle reduces your chances of becoming a victim of your vehicle being broken into."

If you have any information regarding these car break-ins please call Crime Stoppers at (828) 255-5050, or the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office at (828) 250-6670.

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Updated Jul 08, 2014 03:17 PM
Published Jun 17, 2014 12:03 PM