This news item expired on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.

Buncombe County recently overhauled all of the fire districts in the region to simplify record keeping and insurance issues, and better organize their structure. All of the changes were discussed at the recent County Commissioners Regular Meeting.
Click on the link below to hear about the changes to your fire district, or to jump to the specific sections of the meeting.
October 20, 2015 - Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment
Discussion/Adjustment/Approval to Follow Agenda
Good News/Proclamations:
~Proclamation of November as Lung Cancer Awareness Month (view proclamation here)
Public Hearings:
~FY 2017 Section 5311 Community Transportation Program Grand Application to be Submitted to the NCDOT for Mountain Mobility (more information here)
~Establishing Fire & Protection & Ambulance Rescue Service Districts:
~Resolution Abolishing North Central Fire Protection Service District
~Resolution Abolishing the North East Fire Protection Service District
~Resolution Abolishing the North West Fire Protection Service District
~Resolution Abolishing the South Buncombe Fire Protection Service District
~Resolution Abolishing the Hominy Fire Protection Service District
New Business:
~Resolution Establishing the Broad River Fire Protection & Rescue Service District (view contract here)
~Resolution Establishing the East Buncombe Fire Protection & Rescue Service District (view contract here)
~Resolution Establishing the Enka Fire Protection & Rescue Service District (view contract here)
~Resolution Establishing the Garren Creek Fire Protection & Rescue Service District (view contract here)
~Resolution Establishing the Asheville Suburban Fire Protection & Rescue Service District (view contract here)
~Resolution Establishing the Swannanoa Fire Protection & Rescue Service District (view contract here)
~Resolution Authorizing Refund of Overpayment of Excise Tax (view overpayment here)
Board Appointments
The Board of Commissioners meet at 4:30pm on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 200 College Street Suite 326 in downtown Asheville. The meetings air live on BCTV, Charter channel 192 and AT&T's U-Verse service on channel 99. You can also watch the meetings live online at To view information on the Board of Commissioners or to look at future agendas, visit their website here. Below is the meeting agenda for the October 20, 2015 meeting. If you click on the links it will bring you to the section of the meeting that correlates to the item in the agenda. You can view the meeting in its entirety here.