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School Starts Soon - Watch for Buses and Students

Asheville City and Buncombe County school buses will be back on the road soon, so be especially careful during your morning and afternoon commute. It's been 11 weeks since children have been crossing Be aware that school buses will soon be back on the road. Keep and eye out for children.streets, waiting at bus stops, and hopping on and off of school buses.


When a bus is stopped to pick up children, the law requires motorists to stop if they are traveling in the same direction as the bus. Motorists are also required to stop if they are traveling in the opposite direction of the bus - unless the road is divided by a physical barrier, wall or median, or it's a four-lane highway divided by a center-turn lane.


Buncombe County operates the 8th largest school bus transportation system in NC, including service for Asheville City Schools. Each school day 292 school buses travel nearly 16,600 miles of roads in Buncombe County/Asheville City, & transport over 16,500 students.

In a one-day stop arm count last school year, bus drivers reported 65 violations. To put this in context, if the 65 violations on that single day were multiplied by the number of days (182) in a school year, that's over 11,830 violations in a given year. Even one violation is one too many, as each creates a danger for students.

School bus drivers report vehicles that pass a stopped school bus, and cameras mounted on bus side arms help in identifying them. The drivers fill out a form which identifies the vehicle and includes the license tag number, and submit it to the North Carolina Highway Patrol. The troopers assigned to school bus safety in Buncombe County investigate each complaint filed. Stiff penalties accompany a conviction for passing a stopped school bus. Motorists receive five points against their driver's license, face a $200 fine, and possibly 120 days in jail. Anyone who witnesses a school bus stop arm violation should report the vehicle's license tag number to the Highway Patrol at 298-4252.


Asheville City School buses and most Buncombe County School buses are outfitted with cameras INSIDE buses to monitor activity and encourage positive student behavior. The cameras discourage bullying and other misbehavior, and provide for an increased measure of safety for the thousands of students who ride school buses every day. Safety IS the top priority in transporting our state's most valuable resource – our children.

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Published Aug 17, 2016 07:00 AM