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Sports Park Gets a Splash of Color to Inspire Active Play

This week Buncombe County Recreation Services unveiled PlayPrints, an interactive addition for children and families to use at the outdoor play area at the Buncombe County Sports Park. 

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) and the North Carolina Recreation and Park Association (NCRPA) are installing PlayPrints across the state to inspire active play and support healthier communities in North Carolina.

PlayPrints uses stencils, created by Fit & Fun Playscapes, to create ground markings of colorful shapes, images and games painted on open pavement. The bright colors and interactive designs are meant to encourage residents to take part in more physical activity. At the Buncombe County Sports Park, families and children of all ages can be more active and imaginative outdoors with several additions to the open play space. Selected designs include a dolphin and robot hopscotch,  2 four square stations, and an area for multi-play circle games that are sure to get visitors moving.

“The addition of PlayPrints at the Sports Park are a great way to grow a healthier community, said Lynn Pegg, Program Coordinator. “Our park visitors now have a fun new way to use our outdoor space and participate in physical activity together.”

Buncombe County Sports Park currently has a walking trail, Disc Golf Course and a playground that is used by local visitors each day. Approximately 100 children who participate in local programs will enjoy this space afterschool. “The space will also provide additional opportunities for play for the numerous children who visit the existing playground at the park and those who are participating in existing programming such as soccer games.”

Adding PlayPrints will offer another feature for visitors use in a variety of physical activities.

“PlayPrints are a fun way to change an existing space into a gathering place that encourages healthy activity,” said Kathy Higgins, vice president of corporate affairs at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. “We hope this new addition inspires children and families to take advantage of our public spaces across North Carolina to spend time outdoors together.”

Buncombe County is one of the 41 communities that received a grant to install PlayPrints. Over the next two years, PlayPrints will be popping up at open play spaces as part of BCBSNC’s Get Outside North Carolina! (GO NC!) program. Go NC! builds healthy and active lifestyles through the advancement of greenway systems, increased access to public bicycles and the overall promotion of outdoor physical activity.

“PlayPrints provide an exciting element that encourages citizens to move a little more while learning a new game or recalling a favorite childhood pastime,” said Michelle Wells, executive director at NCRPA. 

For a complete list of PlayPrints recipients and to follow progress as PlayPrints are installed throughout the state visit or follow @NCRPA, @BCBSNC, @FitandFunPlay or #playprints on Twitter and Facebook.

PlayPrints uses stencils, created by Fit & Fun Playscapes, © 2011-2013 Fit and Fun Playscapes LLC.  Fit & Fun Playscapes is a retailer of recess and playground game stencils designed to promote improved physical fitness and enrich socialization skills among children:


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Updated Oct 18, 2016 10:46 AM
Published Oct 18, 2016 10:44 AM