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Chickenpox Outbreak in Buncombe- Get Immunized!

A local school is having an outbreak of chickenpox (varicella). As of February 22, more than 5 people at one school have been sick with chickenpox since the beginning of February. We also are aware of additional cases of chickenpox in other children in our community.

Chickenpox is easily passed from one person to another through the air by coughing or sneezing or through the fluid from a blister of a person who has chickenpox.  Although it is usually not a serious illness, it often causes children and their parents to miss days at school and work. Most cases of chickenpox in healthy children are treated with bed rest, fluids, and fever control. 

Chickenpox can be more severe and cause more complications in immunocompromised persons, children younger than 1 year of age and adults. Severe complications include bacterial skin infections, blood stream infections, pneumonia, encephalitis (infection of the brain) and death. It is important to be aware that even healthy children and adults may develop serious complications and die from varicella. Another high risk group is pregnant women who become ill with varicella which can cause pregnancy complications. 

Dr. Jennifer Mullendore, the Buncombe County Medical Director, wants the community to be a part of the shield of protection that immunizations provide. “Chickenpox is not a benign disease. Not only is it painful, but once you have been infected with chicken pox, you are at risk of getting shingles later in life, which is also very painful and can cause lasting chronic pain in adults. Additionally, getting sick with chickenpox can lead to serious illness like pneumonia and even death in rare situations, something that is not seen with people who are immunized,” Dr. Mullendore advises.  She continues, “Unvaccinated people put others at risk, especially infants who are too young to be vaccinated or those who are medically fragile or immunocompromised. When our community’s shield of protection is strong with immunizations, we can keep these illnesses out of our community, enabling all of us to live happier, healthier lives.”

It takes from 10-21 days to develop symptoms after being exposed to a person with chickenpox. Most symptoms appear after 14-16 days. Someone with chickenpox is contagious for 1 to 2 days before the rash starts. They will be contagious until all the blisters have formed scabs, usually 4 to 7 days after the rash began. A person who has never had chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine should get the vaccine as soon as possible after being exposed (ideally, within three days). The vaccine may prevent illness or prevent the disease from being as serious if given within this time frame. Receiving the vaccination may also prevent future illness from chickenpox. “Buncombe County Health and Human Services continues to work with schools, health care providers, and community partners to provide immunizations and information to students and staff who are not immunized.  We encourage people to call the Buncombe County Immunization Clinic with any questions they might have about immunizations,” says Dr. Mullendore. 

If your child develops symptoms of chickenpox, contact their medical provider. To protect others, please call ahead if you are planning to visit any type of healthcare facility. 

BCHHS recommends that parents fully vaccinate children at their health care provider’s office or at the BCHHS Immunization Clinic, located at 53 S. French Broad Avenue in Asheville, NC. The BCHHS Immunization Clinic can be reached at (828) 250-5096 with any questions about immunizations.

Immunization requirements for students can be found on the North Carolina Immunization Program website at: or on our website at



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Updated Feb 23, 2017 08:05 AM
Published Feb 23, 2017 08:03 AM