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Top 3 Reasons to Pay Your Property Taxes Early

Hate waiting in line? Don’t want to brave the impending frigid weather? If so, it’s probably best to go ahead and pay your Buncombe County property taxes. After mid-December, the line gets long and the weather turns cold. And even though taxes do not become delinquent until after Jan. 6, wouldn’t you rather have the peace of mind knowing your bill is paid and you can focus on holiday-oriented activities? Here’s some reasons why you should get that tax bill squared away:

  1. Save Time 
    Your time is valuable. On average, if you pay before Dec. 16, the processing time is only about 15 minutes for you to get in, out, and on with your life. After Dec. 16, long lines become an issue and the average time to have your bill processed was between 45-60 minutes.
  2. Free Parking
    Free parking is available, but spots are limited. If you wait, you will most likely have to pay for parking, walk to the Tax Department, and end up standing in a long line outside the building.
  3. Avoid Weather-Related Delays
    Most people wait until mid-December and early January to start paying their property taxes. During that time of the year, it is extremely cold, windy, and there’s always a chance it could snow. Last year, after Dec. 16, the weather was frigid and we frequently had lines outside of the building. If you pay early, you won’t have to endure the elements. Also, the Jan. 6 deadline cannot be extended due to inclement weather. So, if you wait until the last minute and a snow storm comes, and you can’t make it in to pay, you may be penalized.

We hope these tips help you save time, money, and sanity. Check out our four easy ways to pay your property taxes, and for more tax information visit

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Updated Nov 06, 2019 02:16 PM
Published Jan 07, 2019 05:00 PM