This news item expired on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.
County employees and the public can anonymously report any concern or potential violation of law or policy to a third party. Their concern will be sent to our County Internal Auditor for further investigation and action. An expanded anti-retaliation policy has been implemented to protect those who speak up within County government.
- Revising the County Personnel Ordinance to address roadblocks to communication between the Commissioners and staff, establishing an Employee Protection Hotline and a No Retaliation Policy, addressing nepotism, capping bonuses at $1,000 and reporting them publicly, among other steps
- Establishing best practices to ensure consistency across departments in hiring, termination and disciplinary actions and providing ongoing supervisory training
- Focusing HR efforts on diversity and inclusion
We want to hear from you because we are fully committed to making sure your county government is responsive to your needs, concerns, and ideas. Our promise is to listen, learn and serve you to the best of our ability.
You can call and leave a message at (828) 250-4066, email us at or fill out the form. Your questions, concerns and comments will be responded to in a timely manner.