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Enhanced Board Oversight

Buncombe County Commissioners will be more directly involved in the decision-making process, organizational activities, budget, and spending. Their enhanced role implements new checks and balances and assures transparency in county government.

Here are some of the steps taken…

  • Limits spending and authority of the County Manager
  • Appoints the County Chief Financial Officer with a direct reporting line to the Board
  • Delineates authority and roles of County Manager and Chief Financial Officer
  • Evaluates the performance of the appointed positions of County Manager, Clerk to the Board and Chief Financial Officer and annually reviews their contract
  • Clarifies that only a public, majority vote of the Board can authorize funding for Economic or Community Development
  • Delineates purpose of Personnel and Budget Ordinances and restricts one from altering the other
  • Conducts the required public hearings as part of the budget process with all segments being recorded
  • Requires public notice and public hearing to change the Personnel Ordinance
  • Replaces any previous “Chairman Discretion” provisions in the Personnel Ordinance with a public vote of the majority of the County Board

We want to hear from you because we are fully committed to making sure your county government is responsive to your needs, concerns, and ideas. Our promise is to listen, learn and serve you to the best of our ability.

You can call and leave a message at (828) 250-4066, email us at or fill out the form. Your questions, concerns and comments will be responded to in a timely manner.

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Updated Jan 23, 2018 09:52 AM
Published Jan 02, 2018 12:00 AM