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Creating Open Lines of Communication


When citizens are brought into the decision-making process, government can ultimately be more responsive to the needs of the community.  We want to keep an open line of communication to give you a voice in how your government runs and how we can better serve you everyday.

Buncombe County has taken several steps to improve communication for both citizens and staff by…

  • Establishing the role of Public Information Officer using current County staff
  • Responding to all Freedom of Information requests in a timely and complete manner
  • Initiating a “Speak Up” campaign to promote the “No Retaliation” policies and an Employee Protection Hotline
  • Bringing back our regular weekly County senior leadership and monthly management team meetings and including all department leaders in policy/budget decisions
  • Holding staff “drop ins” with County Manager on a regular basis and on an issue-specific basis
  • Developing the "Let’s Talk" comment submission website

We want to hear from you because we are fully committed to making sure your county government is responsive to your needs, concerns, and ideas. Our promise is to listen, learn and serve you to the best of our ability.

You can call and leave a message at (828) 250-4066, email us at or fill out the form. Your questions, concerns and comments will be responded to in a timely manner.

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Updated Feb 05, 2018 08:48 AM
Published Jan 11, 2018 12:00 AM