This news item expired on Friday, March 15, 2019 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.
This is your chance to work alongside Commissioners and help shape the future of Buncombe County’s early childhood education opportunities. The newly established Early Childhood Education and Development Fund will be a major driver in assuring every child in Buncombe County has an equal opportunity to thrive during their first 2,000 days. A major focus on this initiative is to increase access to quality, affordable early childhood education. As such, the Early Childhood Education and Development Committee, featuring three County Commissioners, is being formed to guide how the fund will be utilized.
The purpose of the committee is to engage with community partners, solicit public input, and make policy and funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. It will be comprised of nine members that will be appointed by the Board of Commissioners. The breakdown of members will be:
- Three members of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners
- One business or economic development professional
- One funder or community investment professional
- One parent
- One pediatrician or medical professional in service to young children
- One professor or higher education professional
- One retiree from the field of early childhood education
Commissioners Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, Robert Pressley, and Al Whitesides have already been appointed. If you would like to join them and other community members shaping the future of early childhood education then please apply to be part of this pivotal and exciting committee.
To apply, visit the Boards and Commissions website here. Applications are due by March 15, 2019.
Note: Please indicate which seat(s) you are applying for.
To submit a request for funding
Buncombe County requests proposals for community-based projects to enhance outcomes for young children and their families in our community. Grants made through the Early Childhood Education and Development Fund will be focused on access to quality early childhood care and education. The focus is on scaling up effective practices for an enhanced local system of early care and education that is effective, accessible, affordable, responsive, and sustainable.
More information about the Early Childhood Fund, including the Board of Commissioners funding resolution, grant goals and purposes can be found here.
Online applications are due by 5 p.m. on April 19, 2019 and can be found here.