This news item expired on Friday, March 15, 2019 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.
This survey is intended to get your perspective on what actions the City and County should prioritize in achieving their renewable energy goals. It should only take five minutes.
Purpose of the Survey
In the past two years the City of Asheville and Buncombe County have both adopted renewable energy goals. The City and County have both committed to transition all government operations from fossil-fueled energy (coal, natural gas, propane, gasoline, etc.) to renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.) by 2030. The County also has a goal to transition all of Buncombe County, including the City of Asheville, to 100% renewable energy by 2042.
Read the County's Clean and Renewable Energy Strategic Priority
Both organizations have partnered together to engage a consultant to develop a roadmap to implement these goals. The consultant is looking to gather information from multiple sources, including citizen input through this survey, to help determine a plan of action to achieve these important goals. The survey will be available until mid March and the project is expected to wrap up by July 2019.