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Planning for 2025

Upated Dec. 16, 2019

County staff held a series of 13 public input workshops, eight at our Administration location, and five in different geographic areas of the County. The intention behind these workshops was to ask our community, what does success look like to you? Your input and insight was invaluable. Download the compiled input below.

Note: The Strategic Planning workshop for the Board of Commissioners that was scheduled for Friday, Nov. 15, has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 17.

Updated Nov. 13, 2019

At our initial input sessions we heard an expressed need for more scheduled sessions in different areas of the County and we are happy to announce five additional input sessions. Input and insights from the public will be valuable in determining the next steps of our strategic process. We are asking the public to please join us at one of the dates below. Bus passes will also be available.

Please contact to RSVP or for more information.

All focus areas will be covered at these additional public input sessions:



This is your chance to weigh in on Buncombe County’s future. The Board of Commissioners is developing a strategic plan that will guide the County into the future. The first step in this process is a five-year strategic plan that will define priorities, guide County operations, and drive future policy and budget decisions. It will draw a vision for our community’s future and establish a course of action for moving forward.

And that’s where you come in. As we draft this course of action, we want you to tell us what success looks like and what steps we should be taking to ensure we are meeting community goals. The following focus areas have been identified by Commissioners:

  • Environmental stewardship: High-quality air, water, farmland, and renewable energy for future generations
  • Educated and capable community: A community where all people thrive and demonstrate resilience throughout their lives
  • Vibrant economy: A robust and sustainable regional economy that builds on our homegrown talent and provides economic mobility for residents
  • Resident well-being: Our residents are safe, healthy and engaged in their community

We know that in order to accomplish our goals we will have to build the foundation on our end.

  • Infrastructure: Best-in-class performance to support the strategic focus areas through information technology, facilities, risk management, evaluation and administration
  • Resources: The funding, talent, and partnerships that enable high quality delivery of services

Your input and insights for each focus area will be valuable in determining the next steps of our strategic process. Please join us at one of the dates below to share your valuable input. All sessions will be held at 200 College St., ground floor conference room. These sessions are open to the public, and all are welcome. If possible, please contact to RSVP.



Next Steps:

  • Oct. 19-Nov. 1: Public engagement sessions
  • Nov. 15: Board of Commissioners workshop (8:30 a.m.-noon, 200 College Street)
  • November – December: Employee engagement sessions
  • January: Strategic Plan adopted by Commissioners
  • July 2020: Strategic plan launch
  • Ongoing: Implement plan, monitor & report results, engage

Actions to date:

  • Oct. 15: Board reviewed results of the September workshop including initial goals for each focus area. Board signaled to move forward with gathering public input on the focus areas and associated goals. 
  • Sept. 17: Board reviewed the results of the July strategic planning session and moved forward by establishing four focus areas for the plan. See above.

  • July 29-30: Board and department heads workshop. Prioritization of community trends impacting Buncombe County and definition of values that will guide the Commissioners’ decision making. Commissioners and staff were asked to gauge levels of certainty and impact posed by 30 trends across five categories (societal, technological, economic, environmental, and political). The trends that were considered most certain and most impactful to the Commissioners were:

    • Growing population

    • Rising burden of chronic conditions and obesity

    • Growing racial gaps in education achievement

    • Growing jail population

    • Loss of farmland

    • Growing housing costs and concern about supply

    • Growing public spending on health care

    • Affordable quality childcare options falling short

  • July: Planning process starts. Consultant Rebecca Ryan was contracted to facilitate the planning process.

Downloads: See below.

Table: News Item Documents
File NameSizeTypeDate & Time Added
Presentation 1 MB 10/24/2019 11:14 AM
Compiled public input 3 MB 12/16/2019 4:46 PM

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Article Information

Updated Mar 19, 2020 08:19 AM
Published Oct 03, 2019 10:57 AM