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Camp WILD Takes Over Lake Julian

Camp Wild 2021

Park Rangers Conner White and Brandon Altemose joined Environmental Educators Taira Lance and Greg Tucker for an adventurous day of Camp WIID. Students started the day with an Eco & Wildlife Tour via a pontoon boat. Students were then divided into teams of three to begin their scavenger hunt by boat. The students rowed their boats to four different stations set up on the shores of Lake Julian. The stations included: watershed; soils infiltration; skins & skulls; and stream health assessments.

Students were provided the opportunity to sharpen their scientific research skills. They compared the water quality and bio-indicators of the stream from previous stream health studies. End results, headwater stream at Lake Julian had a significant increase in class 1 (pollution sensitive) macroinvertebrates. Students were very excited to document improvements in stream health. Finally, the last day of camp ended with an old-fashioned water slide enjoyed by all!

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Published Aug 05, 2021 07:00 AM