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There is Still Time: Share Your Experience with the Reappraisal Process

The survey will remain open until Feb. 20. 

Do you own your home or property? Have you ever appealed or considered appealing the value of your house? The Ad Hoc Reappraisal Committee wants to hear from you. Buncombe County has launched a short survey to gather homeowner input. As community members, your feedback on the reappraisal process can provide valuable insight to questions and concerns for the Committee to consider.

In September 2021, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners established an Ad Hoc Reappraisal Committee after hearing resident concerns following the 2021 Reappraisal. The goals of this committee center on three areas:

  • Identify homeowner concerns about the reappraisal process
  • Provide guidance for future assessments
  • Equity concerns

Take the reappraisal survey here.

All feedback will be compiled and shared with the Committee, County staff, the public, and the Board of Commissioners. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with the reappraisal and appeal process. Follow the Committee’s progress at

Public Comment

Stay tuned to the Ad Hoc Reappraisal meetings and share your voice. The committe hears public comment at the beginning of their meetings. The next meeting is Wednesday, Feb. 9 from 5-7 p.m.  Register here.



En septiembre de 2021, la Junta de Comisionados del condado de Buncombe estableció un Comité Ad Hoc de Reevaluación luego de escuchar las preocupaciones de los residentes después de la reevaluación de 2021. Los objetivos de este comité se centran en las siguientes tres áreas de enfoque:

  • Identificar las preocupaciones de los propietarios sobre el proceso de reevaluación
  • Proporcionar orientación para evaluaciones futuras
  • Abordar las preocupaciones de equidad

Como miembros de la comunidad, sus aportes y comentarios pueden proporcionar información valiosa sobre inquietudes y preocupaciones para que el comité las considere.

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para completar nuestra encuesta.

Encuentre la encuesta en

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Article Information

Updated May 02, 2022 02:42 PM
Published Dec 21, 2021 12:56 PM