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Planned Expansion: Commissioners Approve Contract for Buncombe Landfill Growth

Buncombe County is expanding its landfill

In response to growing needs for Buncombe County’s landfill, the Board of Commissioners approved a contract to expand the facility during their meeting on Feb. 15. The $12.3 million project will increase two parts of the landfill: A 13.5-acre expansion of the area known as Cell 7 and a 5.5-acre expansion for construction and demolition debris referred to as Phase 7. “This project is part of the master plan for the Solid Waste facility. Buncombe County Solid Waste staff are exceptionally trained to maximize space in the current landfill cell,” explains Solid Waste Manager Kristy Smith.

Work on the expansion is slated to begin in early spring of this year and be complete by end of year. “The facility plan for the Solid Waste landfill currently has a remaining life of at least 20 years, depending on population growth and disposal rates,” notes Smith. Buncombe County staff reviewed three bids before recommending Commissioners approve the offer from The Sargent Corporation, which submitted the lowest qualified bid. Smith says expansions have been planned for some time now and will add approximately 4.5 years to Cell 7 and about 5.5 years to Phase 7’s construction and development debris area.

You can read more about the bidding process and project here. For more information about reducing the demand on our landfill, you can learn more about County recycling programs here.

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Updated Dec 07, 2022 12:46 PM
Published Feb 15, 2022 06:10 PM