This news item expired on Saturday, February 10, 2024 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.
Black/African Americana people account for a higher proportion of new HIV diagnoses and people with HIV, compared to other races and ethnicities. Racism, HIV stigma, homophobia, poverty, and barriers to health care continue to drive these disparities.
When we work together to overcome structural barriers to HIV testing, prevention, and treatment, and stop HIV stigma, we help reduce HIV-related disparities and health inequities in Black communities.
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) is a day to increase awareness about HIV among Black communities and encourage people to get involved in prevention efforts, get tested, and get treatment if they are living with HIV. Prevention, testing, and treatment are available and accessible here in Buncombe County. Click here for more information on where to find testing, treatment, and prevention supports in our area.
Buncombe County Public Health offers prevention, testing, and treatment options. Learn more here.