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Commissioners Honor Sobriety Court Award, Get Financial Quarterly Update, & More

Buncombe County’s Sobriety Court team is getting recognition for its innovative work. During the Commissioners’ meeting on Feb. 21, they recognized a recent award honoring staff for their diligent work over the past nine years to develop policies and procedures that adhere to the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) Best Practice Standards for Treatment Courts. This award is a culmination of years of training and implementing changes and ideas from past Sobriety Court participants.

The program was originally developed in collaboration with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The award, presented by the National Center for DWI Courts (NCDC) Academy Court Network, identifies exemplary Sobriety/DWI courts to host foundational trainings, receive staff from other jurisdictions for site visits, and play a significant role in participating in research and media. Congratulations to the staff leading this important work. To learn more about Sobriety Court/DWI, click here.

Budget amendment for appropriation to the capital fund

Commissioners unanimously approved a budget amendment to move $1.8 million from the general fund to the capital projects fund. The General Fund Balance policy states that, upon completion of the audit, any unreserved, undesignated fund balance above 20% will be transferred to the County Capital Projects Fund. With the completion of the audit, this amendment shifts $1,803,066 to the Capital Projects fund. You can view the ordinance here.

Financial quarterly report

Finance staff presented Commissioners with the second-quarter financial update for fiscal year 2023. The brief presentation reflects the financial highlights for the County through Dec. 31, 2022, which is 50% of the way through the fiscal year.  The PowerPoint featured an overview of expenses and revenues, the solid waste enterprise fund, and investments. You can view the presentation here (please note the information is unaudited). No formal action was taken on this agenda item.

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Updated Feb 24, 2023 03:07 PM
Published Feb 21, 2023 05:45 PM