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Age-Friendly Happenings

Age Friendly Update

Tuesday, May 2 was a day to celebrate for Age-Friendly Buncombe County and more importantly, for Older Adults living in Buncombe County and across North Carolina.

The Buncombe County Board of  Commissioners approved a proclamation to recognize Older Americans Month during the May 2 meeting.  Stoney Blevins, Director of BC Health and Human Services, and Billie Breeden, Age-Friendly Coordinator, received the proclamation.  The proclamation honored the 78,000 older Americans over the age of 60 living in Buncombe County (28% of the population) who contribute their time, wisdom, and experience to our community.  Please see the attached document to read the full Older Americans Month Proclamation.

Jennifer Teague, Aging and Adult Services Program Manager was invited to an event in Raleigh celebrating Older Americans Month.  Governor Roy Cooper signed a proclamation to recognize Older Americans Month during the May 2 event.  The proclamation addressed ageism and North Carolina’s commitment to be an age-friendly state. Additionally, Governor Cooper signed Executive Order 280,  North Carolina’s Commitment To Building An Age-Friendly State.  Executive Order 280 directs the NCDHHS Division of Aging and Adult Services and Division of Health Benefits to develop a Multisector Plan for Aging and apply to become a member of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities.  North Carolina will become the 10th Age-Friendly State!  Please see attached documents to read the North Carolina Older Americans Month Proclamation and Executive Order 280.

May 2, 2023, was not only a day to recognize the valuable contributions that older adults make in their communities across North Carolina, but also to support the work of those who provide services/support/advocacy to older adults.  Let’s celebrate!!

Table: News Item Documents
File NameSizeTypeDate & Time Added
Buncombe County Older Americans Month Proclamation 671 KB 05/15/2023 4:04 PM
North Carolina Older Americans Month Proclamation 1 MB 05/15/2023 4:04 PM
Executive Order 280 3 MB 05/15/2023 7:14 PM

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Updated May 15, 2023 07:15 PM
Published May 12, 2023 03:06 PM