This news item expired on Friday, June 16, 2023 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.

Do you want to provide input on how community projects receive County funding? If so, Buncombe County is now taking applications to join the Strategic Partnership Grant Committee. This is a chance to participate in a public budgeting process to steward $900,000 of County funds and help shape the future of our community.
About the committee
The purpose of the Committee is to make Strategic Partnership Grant investment recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for Buncombe County. Strategic Partnership Grant funding is awarded to nonprofit organizations working toward outcomes in alignment with County Commissioner-led priorities and goals. The Committee generally meets the first Thursday of every month from 1-2:30 p.m., with special meetings as needed. More information is available at If you’d like more information about this or other committee opportunities, be sure to check out the upcoming boards and commissions fair.
The opportunity
- This seat is for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2023. (Terms are for three years, and members are eligible to serve more than one term.)
- We are seeking members that bring expertise in one or more Strategic Plan Focus Areas (education, environment, well-being, economy) and represent the diversity of the County.
- Applicants should not have any conflicts of interest with nonprofits applying for Strategic Partnership Grants, to include not currently serving on the Board of Directors or staff of an applicant organization.
How to apply
Click here to complete an online application.