This news item expired on Monday, September 30, 2024 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.
Septic Repair Assistance Program Provides Financial Support for Eligible Buncombe County Homeowners
If you’ve been struggling to complete a septic system repair at your home, Buncombe County may be able to help homeowners with the cost of the project through a unique grant opportunity. The Septic Repair Assistance Program (SRP) provides financial assistance to repair failing septic systems for qualifying homeowners who meet or do not exceed the income limit of 80% of Buncombe County Area Median Income ($64,250 for a family of four). Applications are accepted continuously until further notice.
Previous program participants report that the application process is easy and agree that the program benefits are important as it can be expensive to repair septic systems. If you think you may qualify, please call our staff at (828) 250-5360 to learn more about this opportunity and to see if you qualify.
To apply for financial assistance, you must:
- Be a resident of Buncombe County and own and occupy your home.
- Obtain a septic system repair permit from Buncombe County Environmental Health. To request a repair permit, you must submit an application to Environmental Health. Once the application is received, an Environmental Health Specialist will make a site visit and evaluate the existing system, determine repair options, and issue a repair permit.
- Obtain bids from at least three septic system contractors. Once the repair permit has been issued, you are responsible for obtaining bids from at least three contractors. A bid is an estimate of how much the repair will cost. We recommend that you request bids from more than three contractors to ensure that you receive at least three of the bids in a timely manner.
- Complete a Grant Application form. This form requests specific information needed to determine grant eligibility, including verification of income.
- Submit the Grant Application and copies of three contractor bids to Buncombe County Permits & Inspections, 30 Valley St., Asheville, NC 28801 or
For more information, please see the attached document. Applications will be accepted until further notice.