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Buncombe County Invites You to Share Your Vision for Parks, Greenways, and Open Spaces on Oct. 3 at Weaverville Town Hall

Buncombe County invites everyone to help envision the future of the County’s parks, greenways, and open spaces through a public meeting on Thursday, October 3, from 6-8 p.m. at Weaverville Town Hall. This community-driven event is a key step in developing the county’s first-ever Parks & Recreation Master Plan and Open Space Plan, as well as updating the Greenways and Trails Master Plan. 

Many of you answered the call and told us about the needs you have identified for our parks, greenways, and open spaces through our survey and community meetings. Now we are ready to hear your ideas to address these needs and make progress on our goals. 

You can help shape Buncombe County Parks & Recreation’s future by participating in community engagement opportunities for our Systemwide Parks & Recreation Master Plan. The Master Plan will help identify capital improvements, programming, services, and potential acquisition and other recommendations to stay relevant to the community’s needs and priorities.  

Event Details: 

What: Parks, Greenways, & Open Spaces: Share Your Vision!   

When: Thursday, October 3, 2024, 6-8 p.m. (Dinner will be provided)   

Where: Weaverville Town Hall, 30 S. Main St., Weaverville, NC 28787 

Who: All Buncombe County residents are encouraged to attend. Families, neighbors, and community groups are welcome!   

Why: Contribute your ideas on how to make progress as part of our very first Parks & Recreation Master Plan! Plus, we’ll share updates and gather your feedback for the Greenways and Trails Master Plan and Open Space Plan.    

Participants will have the opportunity to engage in interactive discussions, workshop ideas, and share their vision for outdoor spaces.  

Whether your family enjoys sports, hiking, or simply being outdoors, we want our parks to meet your needs. Don’t miss your change to influence the future of Buncombe County’s parks, greenways & trails, and open spaces.

To learn more about the Parks & Recreation Master Plan and how you can get involved, visit

For questions or for more information, please call (828) 250-4260 or email

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Updated Sep 20, 2024 08:44 AM
Published Sep 18, 2024 01:09 PM