Thanks to the generosity of the Friends of North Asheville Library and the Trust Fund for Buncombe County Public Libraries, the North Asheville Library is getting a much-needed interior refresh with full interior repainting and installation of new carpet. North Asheville Library will be closed to the public from April 15-May 9, so that work can be done as quickly and safely as possible.
Items checked out from North Asheville Library can be returned to any other Buncombe County Public Library location during the closure and items never accrue overdue fees. Items can also be reserved online for pick-up at any other location. Pack Memorial Library is the nearest location open on a full regular schedule. The digital library is open 24/7 at buncombecounty.org/library.
North Asheville Library opened in 2005 and still has its original interior paint and carpet, other than in the community room. The $81,000 cost will be paid entirely by the Friends of North Asheville Library and the Trust Fund for Buncombe County Public Libraries