This news item expired on Saturday, April 9, 2011 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.
Buncombe County will be updating Parcel Identification Numbers (PINs) from the current map system to a new, more accurate, mapping specification beginning January 2009. As a result of this update all PINs will change. The current format of will change to xxxx-xx-xxxx-xxxxx. Our plans are for this change to be in effect Wednesday, January 21, 2009 on the Buncombe County website. In addition to the other search options currently available, the public will have the ability to search for information by either the new parcel number or the old parcel number.
Currently any non-mapped parcel can only be viewed from the Tax information page of the County website, not from the GIS webpage. The new format will allow condominiums and other non-mapped property ownership information to be found and viewed from the GIS webpage in addition to the tax information webpage.
If you should need additional information regarding the change, please contact the Land Records Division of the Tax Department at (828) 250- 4970 or 250-4942.
Gary Roberts Tax Director