This news item expired on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.
On Saturday, June 5, Buncombe County Special Olympics athletes traveled to Raleigh to compete in the Special Olympics North Carolina Summer Games. The games included aquatics, track and field, and softball skill events. The games took place in Raleigh at the Lions Park, the Triangle Aquatics Center and Ravencroft School. Attending from Buncombe County were 20 athletes, 6 coaches and 10 volunteers. The Buncombe County athletes received a total of 39 medals and 16 ribbons.
1st place medals went to Bobby F. Davis, Hannah Scotchmer, Arthur Shropshire (2 medals), Tyler Ayers, Brain Hershel Dunn (3 medals), Dana Martin, Rebecca Rector, Dwight Wilhelm, Marion Pilgrim and Robert J. Powell.
2nd place medals were awarded to Natasha Beach, Hannah Scotchmer, Arthur Shropshire, Bevin Wolcott, Brian Hershel Dunn, Dana Martin, Rebecca Rector, Dwight Wilhelm (2 medals), Frankie Gonzalez and Isaiah McDonald.
Earning 3rd place medals were Natasha Beach, Bobby Davis (3 medals), Hannah Scotchmer, Arthur Shropshire, Linda Smila (3 medals), Bevin Wolcott, Tyler, Ayers (2 medals), Brian Hershel Dunn, Dana Martin, Rebecca Rector and Dwight R. Wilhelm.
Receiving 4th place honors were Linda Smila, Dana Martin, Rebecca Rector, Jason Blount and William Alex Pott.
All athletes received participation ribbons for their efforts. We are very proud of these fine athletes and thank their coaches and volunteers for assisting in this year’s summer games.
To find out more about Special Olympics sports contact Grace Young at (828) 250-4260 or email her at Required paperwork must be completed prior to the start of each season. There is no charge to athletes who take part in Special Olympics.
Sponsored by Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation Service.