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Tuesday, 18 March 2025:


Mission and Purpose

The mission of the Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency is to protect and monitor the area's air quality to safeguard the public health and the environment.

The agency was established as part of an interlocal agreement by Buncombe County and the City of Asheville pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statute Sections 160A-461, 160A-464, and 143-215.112 (c)(3) for the purpose of developing and administering an air quality program in their respective jurisdictions. The agency is one of three local air pollution control programs certified by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission to implement air quality regulations and programs.

What does the local air agency do?

The Agency is responsible for implementing the delegated provisions of the federal, state and local air quality regulations in Buncombe County. The program operates an air pollution monitoring network that is used to determine whether our area is in compliance with the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). A permitting and inspection program ensures that industrial facilities, gas stations, dry cleaners, grading contractors, and asbestos removal activities comply with all applicable air quality regulations that are put in place to protect the public health and welfare. Additionally, the Agency responds to air quality related complaints (dust, smoke, open burning, odors), offers compliance assistance, education and outreach services, and works with community partners on voluntary pollution prevention programs. The Agency also maintains an indoor air quality webpage for resident inquiries and has partnered with other programs to distribute free radon test kits.

Our History

Clean air was an important factor when Asheville became established as a vacation and health care center for the treatment of tuberculosis in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and continues to be so today in this thriving tourist economy. The topography, meteorology and associated temperature inversions, and growing population have led to challenges with air pollution.

Asheville has been a leader in clean air with the adoption of some of the first smoke and air pollution ordinances in the nation. The City adopted their first smoke ordinance in 1916 and hired their first smoke inspector the same year. In 1946, while acknowledging the importance of the tourism industry and the air pollution problem characterized by thick black smoke blanketing the area, the City adopted their first air pollution control ordinance, and a smoke abatement agency was established in 1947. The local air quality agency is an extension of that program. From 1967 to 1970, the agency served four counties, and from 1970 to 2000, the Agency served two counties (Buncombe and Haywood) and the City of Asheville. In 2000, the Western North Carolina Regional Air Quality Agency (WNCRAQA) was re-formed through an interlocal agreement between Buncombe County and the City of Asheville. In 2021, the Agency was renamed the Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency to better reflect the area is serves.

Board & Schedule

Table: Boards & Commissions
DescriptionThe Air Quality Board's primary responsibility is to govern the overall operations of the Agency, including approval of industrial permits, oversight of the Agency budget, and final judgment on appealed Notices of Violation. In order to accomplish these duties, the Air Quality Board meets bi-monthly and at other times as warranted.
Term Length6
Number of Terms10

Board Members

Table: Air Quality Board
Name Appointment End of Term
Ned Guttman Buncombe County 7/1/2028
Joel Storrow - Chair City of Asheville 7/1/2028
Karl Koon - Vice Chair Buncombe County 7/1/2026
Evan Couzo City of Asheville 7/1/2026
Garry Whisnant Buncombe County 11/1/2026

Air Quality Meeting Schedule

Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee
Description The primary role of the committee is to provide any needed or requested assistance to the Agency or the Board. This includes, but is not limited to the following: Assist and promote the work of the Agency and Board, assist with reviewing materials to be released to the press or included on the website, draft editorial letters, etc. when needed, research specific projects and make recommendations at the request of the Board and/or Agency, provide technical information within the expertise of committee members, help gauge public reaction to proposed new regulations and programs.
Term Length4
Number of TermsNA
Meeting Date3rd Thursday of every other Month Feb/April/June/Aug/Oct/Dec
Meeting Time4:00 p.m.
Meeting LocationVirtual

Archived Agendas & Minutes

Annual Reports

Locate & Contact

Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency Advisory Board


Air Quality
Main Line
P: (828) 250-6777
F: (828) 250-6222

Open Burning Hotline
P: (828) 250-6767

Asheville-Buncombe Air Quality Agency
30 Valley Street
Asheville, NC 28801

Find Parking

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2749
Asheville, NC 28802


Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Email Us

Air Quality Staff